5 thoughts on “Caption Competition!

  1. Combined age of 2 featured Couriers = 180.

    I said “Throw at the Bull’s Eye, not the Bullshitter’s Eyes”.

    Rowberry’s eyesight questioned as he is caught groping the invisible woman.

    Herington finally confesses that he is living out of a carrier bag.

  2. Combined age of 2 featured Couriers = 180.

    I said “Throw at the Bull’s Eye not the Bullsh*****’s Eye”.

    Rowberry’s eyesight questioned as he is caught groping the invisible woman.

    Herington finally confesses in public that he is living out of a carrier bag.

  3. Hey, who’s nicked my pint….bloody Croft I bet, that’s the the only bit of glassware they’re likely to pick up this season !!!

  4. There was real tension in the ‘Herefordshire musical statue county championships’ as neither finalist wanted to yield. Rowberry went for a new risky move of ‘landlord serving a pint’ while herrington stuck with the classic ‘taking the rubbish out’.

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